Spring Fever

With our recent trip down to Florida a few weeks back I was spoiled with morning temperatures in the 60's and highs never breaking 80.  It made for a nice relaxing trip but certainly made the thoughts of coming back home to highs in the upper 50's a bit hard to stomach.

However, yesterday was the type of day I needed on the bike.  I was able to use my good looks and charm to awaken Jenn 15 minutes early and convince her to drop me off by the store a few minutes early on her way over to Westcreek where she was to do a nasty set of intervals.  I was going to work until mid-afternoon and then ride home and get some natural Vitamin D as it was supposed to near 70 degrees yesterday.

The sun started beating down on my pasty untighted, short sleeve wearing skin immediately and it was nice for my body to warm up within moments of being on the bike versus about 20 minutes in.  Somewhere along Cherokee Rd some lucky husband was cutting his grass which was a delightful smell I never get tired of.  Unless your grass isn't really grass but instead wild green onions.  Then the smell isn't so delightful.

Another sign Spring is near, Spring Training is about 2/3 the way through and the start to the regular season is at the end of the month.  After I got out of the shower yesterday I was able to watch the a Cubs game on the boob tube.  Something I wasn't able to do much last year.  This year a plan is in the works to make sure I don't miss a game and I cannot wait for it to be put into action.

Now to do the other thing most people dread doing in the spring.  Nope not clean, Jenn and I did that before we left for our trip.  Taxes!  Gotta get the man his money or better yet get our money back from the man.