Tour de Sandston?

Saturday morning I met up with the TnT group.  We were leaving from the Food Lion shopping center in Varina for a nice 31 mile ride.  This ride is always a nice ride.  It is full of rolling farmland, airplanes and other various surprises often found along the way.  We started with a somewhat large group of 16 riders.

The way it turned out Susan Ann and I got separated from the group as we helped a newer member of the Team out.  We decided it would be best if we short cut the route in order to get back in front of them.  We would then ride the route backwards until we ran into them.  We would then jump back in.  Well that plan didn't go so well because the group missed a turn and short cut the route themselves.  Oops!

We eventually met back up about the 15 mile mark. While we were sitting at an intersection a young man drove by and rolled down his window to yell "Tour de Sandston, Wooooo!"  It actually made me laugh a bit.  Usually it is something along the lines of "get off the road" or a clever line questioning my sexuality. From there we finished up the ride together.  It seemed everyone had a good time and nobody mentioned getting sick from all of the surprise scenery.  At least no one mentioned it. Then again I was mostly likely the only one keeping track.  Sorry no photos this go around but for those of you who are curious the count was:
  • 1 Turkey buzzard
  • 2 Somewhat new Deer
  • 1 Deer skeleton
  • 1 Raccon