After Tuesday's slack attack I felt a bit down on myself because I didn't chamois up and ride. Wednesday was a different day in which I decided to try and make the most of getting out of work early. I left work and headed North with no route in mind just knew I had 3 hours to kill before Jenn got off of work. Nothing really exciting to report about the ride other than I hit 2 of the sisters and fire training hill before arriving in the center of the universe and heading back to the shop.
Yesterday, Wiggins came over to the house and with the intention of riding into Powhatan for a bit. We set off for one of my more frequented routes. What we didn't know was that we would be doing a 2.5 mile warmup before having to turn around and start yelling for the support vehicle (which didn't actually exist). I was in need of a pedal change. The bearings of the right pedal locked up and then began to screech like an alley cat.
Once back to the house I did a quick pedal change over to a set of Speedplay Light Actions which I had purchased for Jenn when she first started to ride. She hated them and have sat in the Keo box (which replaced them) ever since. A quick cleat change and we were back on the road.
The ride was nice with some rolling terrain, a few good climbs and a couple of flat sections in which Wiggins felt the need to stretch his legs. Moyer Rd is a short section of road I always enjoy, as it is fast and twisty and if you don't remember where the turn is you won't see it until it is too late and you will blow right by it. We blew right by :-/
Once we got back to within a few miles of the house, we slowed up a bit for a nice cool down of 3 or 4 miles. It was impossible to "cool down" though due to the upper 90 degree temps. The pedals seemed to work fine despite my inability to line the cleat and pedal up when trying to clip in at lights. I didn't take the time yesterday during the hasty cleat change to set the float limits and it showed. Going from 9 degrees of float to 15 made it seem as if I was skating on ice. It actually made it terribly sketchy when out of the saddle. I am not sure why anyone in the world would need that much float.
Yesterday, Wiggins came over to the house and with the intention of riding into Powhatan for a bit. We set off for one of my more frequented routes. What we didn't know was that we would be doing a 2.5 mile warmup before having to turn around and start yelling for the support vehicle (which didn't actually exist). I was in need of a pedal change. The bearings of the right pedal locked up and then began to screech like an alley cat.
Once we got back to within a few miles of the house, we slowed up a bit for a nice cool down of 3 or 4 miles. It was impossible to "cool down" though due to the upper 90 degree temps. The pedals seemed to work fine despite my inability to line the cleat and pedal up when trying to clip in at lights. I didn't take the time yesterday during the hasty cleat change to set the float limits and it showed. Going from 9 degrees of float to 15 made it seem as if I was skating on ice. It actually made it terribly sketchy when out of the saddle. I am not sure why anyone in the world would need that much float.